Poverty and Development in Africa - Global Policy Forum
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Development aid to Africa negligible in comparison to illicit outflows (July 16, 2014)
And yet another report on how development aid to Africa serves as a mere smokescreen to cover up illicit financial flows, unfair trade policies and costs of adapting to climate change that drain the continent of its resources. The report “Honest Accounts? The true story of Africa’s billion dollar losses”, published by Health Poverty Action and co-authored by a range of other civil society organizations, contrasts both inflows to and outflows from Africa and comes to an enlightening result. The continent records an annual net loss of US$ 58.2 billion mostly flowing into the pockets of Western governments or transnational corporations, according to the report. (Health Poverty Action)2013
Mozambican Civil Society Mobilizes for Defending Resources and Land (August 2, 2013)
More than 30 Mozambican civil society organizations have committed to take concerted action against privatization of land and looting of natural resources. Mozambique’s National Peasants Union (União Nacional de Camponeses, UNAC) reports with other participating organizations that the decision to launch a nationwide campaign was taken in response to the government failing to manage land and the country’s rich natural resources justly. According to the organizations, this is a result of corruption and concentration of wealth and power in the hands of few. The campaign will include various activities ranging from protests and resistance to complaints and education campaigns. (União Nacional de Camponeses, UNAC)Growth Without Equity Roils South Africa (February 1, 2013)
South Africa’s mining sector recently witnessed an illegal strike by an independent union of mine workers, which resulted in the death of 34 persons. These illegal labor unions sprung up following the weakening of the formal union, NUS, which is legally protected by collective bargaining agreements. The event triggered strikes in other platinum and gold mines, transport sector and disruptions to its agricultural sector. These disruptions led to supply shortages and profit reductions up to 50%, feeding foreign investors views that South Africa is increasingly becoming a risky investment option. Wages in South Africa are set by the public sector, and a recent wage agreement could create future unemployment for mine workers if the industry cannot keep up with rising wages. These strikes highlight South Africa’s failure to address employment and poverty in line with its rapid economic growth. (YaleGlobal)2012
Insuring a Healthier Future(July 2, 2012)
The growing urban middle class in Africa is driving the expansion in the private insurance market. The market has been traditionally limited to domestic national health insurance programs and top-end private insurance for expatriates, but nothing in between. Many people have no access to health insurance; out-of-pocket payments in hospitals cripple families and damage the economy. As more private capitals flow into the “highly profitable” insurance sector and monopolize the solution to healthcare, it is worrying that African governments have complete faith in free market to provide universal access to affordable healthcare. (This Is Africa)2011
David Cameron: Free Trade in Africa Shows a Way Out of Poverty (July 18, 2011)
On his tour of the African continent, UK
Prime Minister David Cameron has been promoting the promise of ‘growth
out of poverty’ through pan-African free trade and entrepreneurship.
Cameron argues that these instances of “fresh thinking” will be more
successful than development aid and debt-relief in taking advantage of
the potential for growth. In making his case for free-trade, the PM
points to the successes of South Korea - a country that he argues
thrived on inter-Asian free trade - and presses for an array of national
(macroeconomic) policies that support free-trade and entrepreneurship.
It remains unclear, however, how Cameron’s squarely neo-liberal, and
thus not-so-fresh, ideas can be reconciled with South Korea’s recent
history of government sanctioned export subsidies and import
substitution: the “unfree” policies that allowed it to attain gains from
trade. What is more, if African countries would truly follow South
Korea’s example, their developmental trajectories would alter, but
certainly not along Cameron’s preferred lines. (Business Day)
Africa's Biggest Market Lies Within (July 1, 2011)
A new ECA-AU report
says that increasing continental trade and improving regional
infrastructure has facilitated African development and interaction in
international markets because there is a high global demand for African
resources such as oil and metals. However, the authors argue that
continued, sustainable, and equitable development requires Africa to
re-examine its “bias toward external trade.” Africa should focus locally
and increase exchanges between African states. Drawing on regional
models such as the mobile telecommunications revolution, which empowered
local industries and created a more equitable work force, is a good
place to start.
Africa: Poor Excluded from Benefits of High Economic Growth (June 20, 2011)
The African Economic
Outlook 2011 report has found that African states experienced high
economic growth during the 2000s due to good macroeconomic management,
growth in trade, and foreign investment into oil-rich states. However,
this growth did not coincide with poverty elimination, because it was
not linked to activities and economic sectors that affect the poor.
Further development plans must make economic opportunities available for
a greater portion of the population, by creating jobs and supporting
local production. (IPS)
No Need for Speed (May 16, 2011)
Submarine cable linking Europe and
Africa will expand West African broadband access in December 2012.
Although the consortium of operators and the governments in partnership
promise development and progress, this article argues that broadband
access should not be a funding priority because there is little evidence
that suggests broadband’s positive impact on development, economic
growth, education, or governance. Diverting scarce resources for
universal access to high-definition YouTube videos is not a solution to
global poverty. (Foreign Policy)
Tunisia: IMF "Economic Medicine" has resulted in Mass Poverty and Unemployment (December 31, 2010)
On December 17, protests broke out in Tunisia over bleak economic and political conditions. In spite of high unemployment, high inequality and civil unrest, the IMF is pushing Tunisia's government to implement further austerity programs. Western governments consider Tunisia a "progressive North African Muslim Nation," and the present condition of the country is underreported in the western media. (Global Research)The True Cost of the World Cup in South Africa (June 22, 2010)
The costs of hosting the World Cup in South Africa were said to be justified by the economic growth that the event was supposed to generate. Expenses are expected to surpass original estimates by 757 percent. The expected growth in infrastructure and small local businesses has not come close to offsetting the funds that have been diverted from long-term priorities such as healthcare and education. FIFA and international corporate sponsors such as McDonald's and Coca Cola are the biggest beneficiaries of the event with much of the local South African population unable to even attend the matches. (AlterNet)Renewing the Promise of Education for All (June 15, 2010)
The adoption of universal education programs has increased the number of African children attending school. However, there are still 43 million children in sub-Saharan Africa who do not have access to education. As the number of children in school is increasing, there is a widening gap in quality. Policies must address the inequalities that reserve the best resources and education for the wealthiest and leave other children with ill-equipped and poorly financed schools. (IPS)ZIMBABWE: Bad Roads Lead to Malaria Outbreak (May 3, 2010)
Road infrastructure is being blamed for a malaria outbreak in the Binga district in Zimbabwe's Matabeleland North province as anti-malaria spraying teams were unable to reach the area. Spraying and the distribution of mosquito nets have drastically reduced the cases of malaria in the country, but Zimbabwe's exposure to the flight of speculative capital and its vulnerability to international commodity markets has crippled its ability to maintain infrastructure. (IPS)From War to Wealth in Congo (January 12, 2009)
In response to numerous pessimistic reports on DRC, the author argues that with better governance Congo could unleash its potential. The article proposes that progress will not come from outside aid "but from what the Congolese do for themselves" and from "long-term investment by businesses - foreign and local." Congo's vast natural resources and burgeoning young population, in particular, are seen as having the potential to transform DRC from a failed state to a functioning one. However, future investments in the mining sector may cause even more problems. (The Christian Science Monitor)2009
Change Beckons for Billionth African (December 28, 2009)
Africa has the fastest growing population in the world: by 2050 the numbers are predicted to double - to1.9 billion. With an escalating and increasingly young population the continent will face a range of new challenges. Urbanization and an increase in 'mega-cities' is likely to bring problems caused by bad roads (and road accidents), crime and smoking-related health problems. Against prevalent pessimism, this article documents the hope that with investment in education, healthcare and professional training, the emergent African population will know a better future. (Guardian)China Praised for African Links (October 11, 2009)
Rwandan President Paul Kagame criticized Western countries for not making any industrial investment in the continent and limiting their contributions to humanitarian aid. Admitting the need for aid, Kagame added that the aid should be "implemented in such a way as to enable trade and build up companies." The president praised China for its role in providing aid money and investment. (BBC News)Africa Can't Do Without Aid for Now (October 1, 2009)
The Former President of Ghana, John Kufuor, strongly opposes the argument of Zambian economist Moyo, that aid in Africa brings only corruption. To support his opinion, Kufuor gives the example of a school feeding project, funded by the Netherlands, which provided one hot meal a day for more than 600,000 children. The ex-president worries that development aid in the region will decrease due to the financial crisis. (NRC Handelsbad)A Basic Income Program in Otjivero (August 10, 2009)
A coalition of aid organizations has tried a new approach to aid. The experiment is taking place in Otjivero, Namibia, in a settlement of 1000 inhabitants. The organizations hand 100 Namibia dollars (13$) to each village citizen, every month. The money is distributed without expecting anything in return. The experiment has proven to be a success in lifting the citizens out of poverty. Many villagers have started their own firms and are now able to sustain their own livelihood. This suggests that people can find a way out of poverty, provided they get the right kind of help. (Spiegel Online)2008
Saving the Congo (October 14, 2008)
In the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC) 88 percent of the assaults and murders affecting civilians are
committed by the police or the army. DRC needs new institutional
solutions to reduce the violence and the corruption in the country. This
article urges strong international corporations, as well as a newly
created watchdog committee in DRC, to make sure that the government
spends the income from the country's large mineral wealth on delivering
basic services such as health care, education and transport
infrastructure. (Policy Innovations)
Africa Becoming a Biofuel Battleground (September 5, 2008)
The food crisis intensifies as Western
biofuel companies are acquiring large amounts of land in Africa –
sometimes free of charge. By removing farm land from food production to
produce energy crops, the companies increase African dependency on food
imports and drive up food prices. The biofuel companies promise to
invest in infrastructure and education in return for using the land.
But, say local farmers, the companies have acted in secrecy and failed
to pay resettlement compensation to the people who have been forced to
leave their homes. (Der Spiegel)
China's Environmental Footprint in Africa (May 29, 2008)
NGOs and richer nations often
criticize China's policies in Africa that promote economic growth at the
cost of the environment and human rights. However, Chinese investments
in oil and mining are not necessarily different from those of France,
South Africa or the US, says Pambazuka. Rather than criticizing
China's policies, the author suggests that richer countries should
"strengthen the standards ruling their own overseas investments."
African Economies Growing Fast Enough to "Put a Dent" in Poverty, World Bank Says (November 14, 2007)
The World Bank's African Development
Indicators 2007 show that on average, African countries experience
economic growth of 5.4 percent per year. According to the World Bank,
this growth rate is high enough to have a significant impact on poverty
reduction on the continent. However, the countries still face
constraints in infrastructure and high indirect costs in their
production, which could reduce their competitiveness on global markets.
African countries need more investment to improve the livelihoods of the
40 percent of the Sub-Saharan population that still lives on less than
US$1 a day. (Associated Press)
Africa's Chance (November 2, 2007)
This article from the International Herald Tribune
is optimistic about the future of Africa's economic growth. Due to the
high demand for raw materials, economic growth in the continent is up by
5 percent for the fifth year in a row. Despite the growth, the author
warns that rich countries must continue to help African countries by
supplying money and technology, and ensuring a fair trading system. The
author also calls on African countries to invest more in health,
education and infrastructure to allow for further economic growth.
Financial Resources and Policy Space in Africa (September 27, 2007)
In this World Economy and Development
article, the author considers the data of the 2007 UNCTAD report and
calls for a return of the "developmental state" in Africa. The article
considers options available for raising domestic funds – such as
increased tax rates, improved tax collection, better use of remittances
from workers abroad, and control of capital flight – and concludes that
these measures would significantly reduce African countries' aid
dependence. In addition, the author argues that the African countries
should shift away from integration with the world economy and focus on
creating internal links between domestic economic sectors, and between
urban and rural economic activities.
Africa: Improved Regional Integration Still Key for Success (September 25, 2007)
The 2007 UNCTAD report argues for more
regional cooperation between African countries. Agreeing with this
idea, some economists suggest that the African economies "are more
competitive than complimentary" and that they would benefit from
diversifying production and reducing their dependency on primary product
exports. To increase mutual trade, the countries should engage in
greater monetary cooperation and in developing a common African
currency. (Inter Press Service)
Africa: Aid Critical to Ensuring Benefits from Trade (September 24, 2007)
World Trade Organization
Director-General Pascal Lamy and African Development Bank President
Donald Kaberuka argue that the African continent will benefit greatly
from increased trade. They recognize, however, that the infrastructure
for large scale industry and trade is not in place in most African
countries and consequently call for "Aid for Trade" to finance
investments in infrastructure. The two authors argue that the standard
of living in Africa will increase simply by increasing trade. This
oversimplified "solution'" fails to address other obstacles to
development, including low investment in health and education and
pressing conflict issues, experienced by governments and citizens of
poor countries in Africa. (allAfrica)
''A Foreigner Cannot Develop Us'' (September 24, 2007)
East African governments and NGOs
question the benefits of the economic partnership agreement (EPA) with
the EU. These trade agreements have not encouraged countries to add
value to their exports, so many countries remain dependent on unrefined
primary product trade, such as coffee and sugar. They also face further
barriers as the EU increasingly hinders imports of industrialized
products from outside the Union. The African countries are also
concerned that their industries will not be able to out-compete Asian
imports. (Inter Press Service)
New Multilateral Push Aims to Cut African Poverty (September 15, 2007)
In spite of their promises at the G8
summit in Gleneagles in 2005, rich countries have failed to double
development aid and relieve poor countries of their debt. Africa, in
particular, has suffered from the lack of resource inflow. In September
2007, the world's major development banks gathered to mobilize resources
for the continent. The African countries severely lag behind the
Millennium Development Goals set in 2000, but World Bank chief Robert
Zoellick still sees great opportunity for Africa. Economic growth rates
are increasing in many countries and poverty is falling among African
farmers. However, further improvements are dependent on the rich
countries keeping their promises and raising the funds needed for
development. (Reuters)
Is Western Aid Making a Difference in Africa? (August 23, 2007)
Tanzanian journalist Ayub Rioba argues
that since gaining independence, Africa has received billions of
dollars in aid, yet the number of poor Africans has doubled. Different
schools of thought exist to explain this. The "governance first" group
argues that African people, not outsiders, have a responsibility to
improve the quality of their own governments. The "poverty first" group,
represented by economist Jeffrey D. Sachs, believes that the solution
to Africa's problems lies in tackling poverty by increasing the amount
of aid. Finally, a third group argues that current aid flows are
sufficient, but that donor countries must reform the way aid is
distributed and administered. (Christian Science Monitor)
In Africa, China Is Both Benefactor and Competitor (August 20, 2007)
This New York Times article
highlights China's role in Africa's economy. China's search for
resources in Africa has brought investment, technology and jobs into
some of the world's poorest countries. While Chinese imports give
Africans access to cheaper products, the introduction of Chinese
finished and manufactured goods hinders Africa's ability to develop a
strong and diverse economy. Across Africa industries such as textile
factories have closed down as cheap Chinese goods flood the world
AU Plans African Investment Bank to Fund Development (August 3, 2007)
The African Union plans to set up an
African Investment Bank and is gathering support from African nations
which will be the main subsidizers of this institution. Maxwell
Mkwezalamba, the AU's Commissioner for Economic Affairs said that the
continent requires US$250 billion in the next ten years to double its
economy and trade by 2015 and lift thousands of people out of poverty.
He also stated that rich countries have not lived up to their promises
in terms of economic aid. (Reuters)
China Launches $1B Africa Fund (June 26, 2007)
China has launched an African
Development Fund of US$1 billion which will invest exclusively in
Chinese enterprises and their projects in the continent. China has
increased its aid and loans to Africa in exchange for access to oil and
other resources and to secure new markets for its exports. Development
advocates have criticized this policy of "tying aid" to purchasing goods
and services from the donor country and accuse Beijing of supporting
authoritarian regimes in Africa. (Associated Press)
Foreword to Escaping the Resource Curse (June 2007)
In the foreword to the book "Escaping
the Resource Curse", George Soros describes how countries rich in
resources have failed to benefit from their natural prosperity. In
Africa many countries rich in natural resources are often poorer than
those with fewer natural resources. The author argues that NGO
initiatives such as "Publish What You Pay," could provide a solution to
the resource curse by requiring oil companies to disclose their payments
to governments for extracting natural resources. (Columbia University Press)
International Aid and Economy Still Failing Sub-Saharan Africa (June 11, 2007)
This Share the World's Resources
article analyzes a UN report on Africa and the Millennium Development
Goals (MDG), which revealed that sub-Saharan Africa will probably not
achieve any of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. The author
argues that some African regions have improved their education,
healthcare and agricultural productivity but that poverty is not
decreasing at the same rate as before. Moreover, evidence shows that
neoliberal policies adopted by the IMF, World Bank and WTO have failed
in tackling poverty.
G8 Countries Have Not Met Their Promises (June 6, 2007)
Social Watch's Basic Capabilities Index (BCI) measures poverty based on education, child mortality and reproductive health. This 2007 BCI report
finds that at the current rate of progress, "a minimum set of social
services" will not be universally accessible in Sub-Saharan Africa until
2108 – almost a century beyond the Millennium Development Goals target
date of 2015. Social Watch calls on the world's wealthiest countries to
seize the opportunity of the June G8 summit "to fulfill their side of
the agreement" by increasing aid and debt relief to Africa.
Hunger Exacerbating Child Mortality (May 24, 2007)
Inter Press Service
highlights the link between extreme poverty and rising infant mortality
in Zimbabwe. The country's economic decline has led to "the breakdown of
the health delivery system," putting Zimbabwe's under-five mortality
rate at 129 per 1,000 live births – a more than 50 percent increase
since 1990. Health care workers have called for increased international
aid to provide basic food and necessities to "vulnerable groups such as
newborn babies."
The Mixed Blessings of Oil Boom for African Countries (May 16, 2007)
Although many African countries such
as Nigeria, Angola, Gabon, and Equatorial Guinea enjoyed great revenue
increase in the 1990s from the petroleum industry, the oil money
benefited the countries' leaders and not the people who still remain in
poverty. This Gulf Times article says that while the
responsibility of managing oil resources lies with governments, foreign
oil companies, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the US
and other governments should do their part by demanding transparency
from African governments.
The New Green Revolution in Africa: Trojan Horse for GMOs? (May 2007)
The African Centre for Biosafety
criticizes The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), led by
the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation.
AGRA's projects aim to alleviate poverty and hunger by creating a
market-based agricultural sector in Africa, enabling agrochemical and
genetically modified (GM) seed companies to enter the market. The Centre
fears such agribusiness will undercut traditional agriculture, create
dependency on expensive inputs like GM seeds, and weaken African
biodiversity. This "Green Revolution" could worsen, rather than address,
the structural problems that undermine African farmers.
West's Foot-Dragging Over Aid to Africa Called "Grotesque" (April 25, 2007)
The Africa Progress Panel (APP),
established to monitor the 2005 Gleneagles Summit aid pledges, reports
that the G8 countries are "only 10 percent of the way to their target"
of doubling aid to Africa by 2010. The APP, headed by former UN
Secretary General Kofi Annan, further warns that failure to meet these
commitments would be a "grotesque abrogation of responsibility…and a
threat to the lives of the world's poor." (Guardian)
Even as Africa Hungers, Policy Slows Delivery of US Food Aid (April 7, 2007)
Despite the "dire" shortage of food
rations faced by the UN World Food Program (WFP), the US government
refuses to change a law that requires most of its food donations be
domestically grown and then shipped to recipient countries – an
inefficient and costly process. International aid groups such as Oxfam
estimate that amending this law to allow cash donations to the WFP could
"feed at least a million more people" and "save 50,000 more lives." (New York Times)
Evaluation Finds That IMF Misleads the Public about its Role in Africa (April 2, 2007)
This Bretton Woods Project
article finds that the IMF's Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) report
"fails to address fundamental questions about the Fund's role" in
Sub-Saharan Africa. The report criticized the IMF's African aid program
as having a "mismatch" between its reported goals and its actual
capabilities. However, the IEO blames this strictly on a lack of "policy
clarity," arguing that the IMF's public relations department has given
"the impression that the Fund committed to do more on aid mobilization
and poverty-reduction" than it had intended. The article calls for a
thorough external review of the Fund's policies in developing countries.
G8 Development Ministers Seek Ways to Meet African Aid Goals (March 26, 2007)
Despite renewed promises to double aid
to Africa and to meet the UN Millennium Development Goals by 2015, a
meeting of the G8 development ministers is unlikely to produce any
concrete policy changes, reports this Deutsche Welle article.
Although some of the ministers claim that the G8 members have made
substantial progress toward "democratization, social reforms and
economic growth" in developing countries, experts argue that more aid
money and increased cooperation between North and South are necessary to
reach those goals.
The IMF and Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa (March 12, 2007)
This IMF Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) report
dismisses criticism of the IMF's anti-poverty programs as due to
"confusion" and a "lack of clarity" rather than any actual wrongdoing on
the Fund's part. The IEO congratulates the IMF on its success in
"improving performance" in Sub-Saharan African countries, and blames any
perceived shortcomings on "ambiguous" IMF communications that gave "the
external impression that the Fund committed to do more" to reduce
poverty than it had actually intended.
Poor Infrastructure Undermines Food Safety in West Africa (March 11, 2007)
This Inter Press Service
article reports that underdeveloped infrastructure is a leading cause of
food insecurity in Africa. Meat imports frequently thaw in transit due
to an unreliable supply of electricity and substandard technology,
allowing food-borne illnesses like salmonella "to flourish." NGOs and
government officials therefore argue that improving domestic
infrastructure is "the only way the poorest countries can cope" with
international trade.
African Despot "Cures" AIDS (March 8, 2007)
Gambian dictator Yahya Jammeh has
announced that a mandate from God allows him to cure AIDS using a
combination of Koranic prayers, herbs, and bananas. When a United
Nations representative in Gambia questioned the "cure" – which also
requires that patients stop taking anti-viral medication – Jammeh
promptly "branded [her] persona non grata" and gave her 48 hours to
leave the country. However, this Der Spiegel article reports, "hardly anyone in the country dares challenge him and, unfortunately, many actually believe him."
Southern Africa Braces for Poor Harvests (March 8, 2007)
The World Food Programme
(WFP) warns that "erratic weather patterns" in Africa may devastate
agricultural output and lead to severe food shortages. The failure of
donor countries to fully fund the WFP – which currently assists 4.3
million people in southern Africa alone – further threatens food
security in the region.
While Aid Trickles in, Liberians Get Creative to Make Ends Meet (March 7, 2007)
In the face of a US$3.7 billion debt
and little relief in sight, many Liberians have turned to "small-scale
entrepreneurial activities," such as hairdressing or baking, to earn a
living. The 80 percent official unemployment rate does not reflect the
78 percent of the country's workers engaged in this "unregulated,
untaxed work." Nevertheless, NGOs and government officials are calling
for "fundamental improvements" to Liberia's official employment sector,
arguing that "creative entrepreneurialism" is not enough to sustain a
country where two-thirds of the citizens live on less than $1 a day. (Christian Science Monitor)
Africa Shifts to "Whole Village" Approach for Orphans (March 1, 2007)
The "overwhelming number of orphans"
in southern Africa due to war, hunger and AIDS has led many governments
and aid groups to direct resources away from traditional orphanages and
toward "community-based care." Under the community-based approach,
organizations give funding for food and other expenses to families
adopting orphans in their own villages. Organizations such as UNICEF
argue this solution is "healthier and more culturally appropriate" than
moving the children into institutions. (Christian Science Monitor)
"Vulture" Feeds on Zambia (February 15, 2007)
"Vulture funds" buy debt cheaply from
developing countries and then sue the governments for the full value of
the debt plus interest. One such company, Donegal International, has
sued Zambia for US$55 millions over ten times what it paid for the
original debt. Although unlikely to uphold the full amount of Donegal's
"evasive and even dishonest" claim, the UK judge hearing the case "had
little choice but to say the contract was binding." (Guardian)
Chairman's Summary: Shadow G-8 (February 9, 2007)
Joseph Stiglitz summarizes a
discussion on "global growth with responsibility" by "a diverse group of
concerned citizens from around the world," including leading economists
and former government officials. The resulting consensus calls for a
reformed G8 process which would enable participation from all countries
"to discuss informally the major issues facing the world," with a focus
on the four immediate problems of climate change, global imbalances,
global governance, and poverty, especially in Africa. (Initiative for Policy Dialogue)
Debt the Illegitimate Legacy of Africa's Dictators (January 26, 2007)
Arguing that the majority of debts in
poor countries were accrued under "dictatorial, unaccountable and
irresponsible leaders," participants at the 2007 World Social Forum in
Nairobi, Kenya called for complete debt cancellation by international
financial institutions. This Inter Press Service article
reports that, without unconditional debt cancellation, impoverished
countries will not meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.
The $10 Solution (January 4, 2007)
For only US $3 each a year, argues
economist Jeffrey Sachs, the one billion people in the high-income world
could finance a comprehensive anti-malaria program for the entire
continent of Africa. As malaria decreases worker productivity, increases
the rate of population growth and, possibly, the likelihood of
transmitting AIDS, this "common resolve" to reduce malaria could be the
key to "unlocking Africa's poverty trap." (Time)
Assistance for Africa: "Don't Turn Your Back on My Country" (January 3, 2007)
At the 2005 Gleneagles summit, the G8
pledged to double aid to Africa by 2010. A year later, however, African
nations such as Liberia, "one of the poorest places on the face of the
earth," are facing diminishing international aid flows. Liberia had
failed to meet the condition of "good governance" at the time of the
Gleneagles summit, and therefore did not qualify for debt cancellation.
President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf fears the aid shortage will further
destabilize the already volatile country as it struggles to recover from
civil war. (Independent)
To Fight Corruption, One African Offers Presidents Cash (November 24, 2006)
The annual Corruption Perceptions
Index published by Transparency International has repeatedly ranked
African countries as some of the most corrupt in the world. However,
this New York Times article argues that a catalyst for change
now exists in Africa with the announcement by Sudanese billionaire Mo
Ibrahim that he will award an annual prize of US$5 million to African
leaders - upon retirement from office - who eschew corruption and
instead promote democratic processes and good governance.
EU Gathers Leaders to Push Conditional Aid Deals for Africa (November 16, 2006)
Hosting a conference on European aid
to Africa in November 2006, the EU aimed to prevent loss of influence on
the continent after "recent Chinese overtures of trade and aid to
Africa," says the Associated Press. Against Chinese lack of
concern for human rights and sound governance in dealings with African
countries, the EU confirmed its conviction that tying aid to political
and economic reforms "is the best way of improving the lives of
Africans." The EU pledged to increase in annual aid to Africa from 17 to
25 billion euros by 2010. Meanwhile NGOs argued that the policy of
conditionality "has never worked," and criticized the EU lack of
attention to businesses' role in African corruption.
Not Wanted: Rich, African Nations (November 10, 2006)
Despite the general focus on Africa's failings, the region also has many success stories, argues this afrol News
article. Cape Verde, Botswana and Seychelles amongst others have
achieved a level of development moving them out of the category of Least
Developed Countries. These countries now feel "penalized for progress,"
as donors disengage while investors are still not convinced, bringing
"new hardships" to governments trying to move their nations from a
middle-income level "to a wealthy state of general welfare." While the
UN does not consider assistance to middle-income countries to be
development aid, there is a well documented opposite practice of
"rewarding" countries whose failed policies has made them slide down the
development index, says the article.
Africans Are Already Facing Climate Change (November 6, 2006)
As the 2006 United Nations Climate Change Conference commences in Nairobi, the Christian Science Monitor reports on the findings of a September 2006 UN report
on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change in Africa.
The report finds rising sea levels could inundate 30 percent of Africa's
coastal infrastructure, while 25-40 percent of the continent's natural
habitat could be lost by 2085. According to the article, "climate change
is a present reality for many Africans," as a tight link exists between
Africa's many violent conflicts – often viewed by the West as stemming
from ethnic or religious differences – and the increasing
climate-induced scarcity of water resources.
China to Double Aid to Africa (November 4, 2006)
Speaking at the November 2006
China-Africa summit, Chinese President Hu Jintao, pledged a US$5 billion
increase in loans and credits to Africa over the next three years,
thereby doubling Chinese aid to the continent. The summit also produced
several natural resource investment deals between Chinese companies and
African countries, thus further boosting recent years' enormous increase
in China-African trade, which consists primarily of oil, minerals and
other natural resources along with Chinese-made weapons. Meanwhile,
critics say China "extracts what it needs from the continent, while
ignoring environmental and anti-corruption standards." (Integrated Regional Information Networks)
The Peril of Beijing's Africa Strategy (November 1, 2006)
With Chinese trade and foreign direct
investment in Africa "skyrocketing" in 2006, China has become a major
player in Africa's economic development, and a widely cited "ideal
development model" among African leaders. Many African leaders
frustrated by Western policy conditionality have welcomed China's
"strictly business" involvement in their countries. But the Chinese lack
of concern for good governance and social responsibility produces a
"backlash in several African countries." This International Herald Tribune
article argues that whether China signs on to the principles of
transparency and good governance "will be critical for the continent's
long term development and stability."
Kicking the Habit (November 2006)
This Oxfam report
details the history and damaging consequences of the World Bank and IMF
(International Monetary Fund) praxis of pushing privatization and
liberalization reforms in poor countries, as well as the continuous
failure to reform this ‘conditionality.' The report looks closer at
the case of Mali, where the World Bank has forced liberalization of the
cotton industry by withholding funds desperately needed in the country's
neglected education sector. The resulting exposure to the world market
cotton price – significantly driven down by rich countries' subsidies –
decreased the price Malian farmers received for their cotton by 20
percent in 2005. This could increase country-wide poverty by 4.6
percent, says the report.
Madonna the Latest Pop Star to Shine Celebrity on Africa (October 12, 2006)
Funding and visiting AIDS orphans
projects in Malawi, pop icon Madonna joins the growing list of
celebrities putting resources into Africa. Christian Science Monitor
reports that most aid agencies welcome the arrival of celebrities in
the world of humanitarian aid, appreciating the press attention that
"these A-listers" can draw to development in Africa. Other analysts,
however, fear that too many donors preoccupy themselves with projects
that make them "look good," rather than promote long term development.
The Century of Drought (October 4, 2006)
British climate scientists from the
Met Office give "one of the most dire forecasts so far" of the potential
effects of global warming. Their study predicts that by year 2100 one
third of the planet will be desert, "uninhabitable in terms of
agricultural production," and that already drought-stricken Africa will
experience the most severe effects. While stressing that the findings
contain uncertainties, the scientists deem the result "significant" and
possibly even an underestimation. According to this Independent
article, the study will be "widely publicized" by the British
Government at the November 2006 UN negotiations on "a successor to the
Kyoto climate treaty" in Nairobi.
Development Requires Local Empowerment (September 27, 2006)
The 2006 "Least Developed Countries
Report" found that although the world's poorest countries have enjoyed
the highest growth rates in two decades, human well-being in these
mainly African countries has not improved. The author of this Foreign Policy In Focus
piece argues that the lack of rural communities' participation in
governing their natural resources largely accounts for that imbalance.
He warns that initiatives such as the UN Millennium Development Project,
the US Millennium Challenge and Oxfam International's "Trade not Aid"
campaign will not promote development unless they focus on creating
accountable countryside democratic institutions.
UN Food Envoy Slams Europe over 'Hunger Refugees' (September 22, 2006)
The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right
to Food, Jean Ziegler, strongly criticizes Europe's policy towards
Africa. Ziegler highlights the obvious, but vastly ignored, connection
between EU agricultural subsidies and the large flow of African migrants
to Europe. While Europe destroys African agriculture by dumping
subsidized food, Europeans want their borders closed to poverty-stricken
Africans and respond with security measures to a problem which is in
fact about "hunger refugees." Ziegler calls for a halt to the "deadly
dumping." (AlertNet)
Gateses Approach to African Hunger Is Bound to Fail (September 22, 2006)
In this Seattle Post-Intelligencer
article, agricultural development specialist Peter Rosset criticizes
the Gates and Rockefeller Foundations' US $150 million initiative to
bring a "new" green revolution to Africa. Rosset finds that an "apparent
naiveté about the causes of hunger" has led the Gateses to invest in
technology packages that will likely only benefit seed and fertilizer
industries, have "negligible impacts" on total food production and
worsen countryside marginalization. Rosset holds much higher hopes for
the "Food Sovereignty" approach focusing on ending "free trade
extremism," improving land access for the poor, and increasing support
for family farmers and ecological farming methods.
Toxic Shock: How Western Rubbish Is Destroying Africa (September 21, 2006)
As Dutch trading company Trafigura
Beheer offloaded 400 tons of toxic waste at a landfill near the Ivorian
capital of Abidjan in August 2006, the generated fumes killed six people
and forced 15,000 to seek treatment for nausea, vomiting and headaches.
The incident illustrates that the practice of Western companies dumping
toxic waste in poor countries continues. As rich countries' consumption
of electronic equipment keeps increasing, so does the amount of
electronic waste shipped to poor countries for "recycling," but ending
up in landfills posing significant health risks to local residents. (Independent)
Africa Adds to Miserable Ranks of Child Workers (August 24, 2006)
This powerful New York Times
article highlights the experience of a nine-year-old quarry worker in
Zambia. The child labor problem in sub-Saharan Africa not only deprives
young workers of their childhood, but also furthers a cycle of poverty
where they remain illiterate and sometimes turn to illegal or dangerous
activities to survive. The author notes that child labor goes beyond a
legal issue, since poverty and disease contribute to the growing
incidence of child labor and many families can barely afford to eat.
African Churches Are Hidden Weapon in AIDS War (August 6, 2006)
Released a week before the UN International AIDS Conference in Toronto, this Tearfund report
calls attention to the work done by millions of church volunteers
"tackling Africa's AIDS crisis head on." With their immense presence and
extensive reach, African churches could become "one of the single most
effective strategies for tackling the HIV and AIDS pandemic."
International donors need to "urgently" recognize and act on the
churches' potential. Churches, for their part, must acknowledge the
stigma and discrimination of their attitudes towards sex and gender. (Tearfund)
It Shouldn't Have to Bleed to Lead (July 31, 2006)
In "New News Out of Africa," former
CNN-reporter and South Africa resident Charlayne Hunter-Gault argues
that the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) and
"courageous" journalists contribute significantly to both a decline of
violence and advancement of democratic reform in Africa. External
observers, however, tend to overlook these positive trends, Hunter-Gault
says. And aided by the "mountain of negative press" on Africa, they
increasingly avoid directing resources to the continent. Africa needs
"fresh new news' reporting" along with debt relief to free resources to
finance initiatives like NEPAD - according to Hunter-Gault "one of the
most effective forces of change" in Africa. (Inter Press Service)
The Complexity of African Poverty (July 23, 2006)
This New Times article labels
poverty as the "oldest and most devastating disease in the third
world." With six billion people living on less than one US dollar per
day, one sixth of the world's population suffers from inadequate
provisions of food, medicine and shelter. The author cites the spread of
AIDS, population growth, lack of education, and geographic disadvantage
as obstacles to aid and debt relief efforts.
Blair Promises New Africa Focus (June 26, 2006)
UK Prime Minister Tony Blair has
convened the Africa Progress Panel, an organization that monitors
whether G8 governments fulfill their pledges of international aid. The
panel will produce an annual report for the G8, UN, and Africa
Partnership Forum to maintain international awareness of development
progress. Still, some organizations doubt the capacity of yet another
monitoring organization to affect G8 policies. (BBC)
The Challenges Facing an Urban World (June 13, 2006)
This BBC article discusses
the challenges of growing populations in urban centers throughout the
world and especially in Africa. Although Sub-Saharan Africa boasts the
world's highest rate of urban migration, cities and governments fall
short in providing basic social services. The UN Millennium Declaration
addressed this issue, and UN-Habitat will continue to discuss potential
solutions in the biannual World Urban Forum. Still, without more funding
and investment in infrastructure the number of people living in urban
slums could double by 2020.
It Takes a Village to Save the MDGs (May 5, 2006)
Under the guidance of Jeffrey Sachs,
the UN Millennium Project established 78 so-called Millennium Villages
demonstrating how little spending in fields like health and education
can "dramatically accelerate" Africa's rural development. Since 2000,
the initiative has shown that villages can meet many of the Millennium
Development Goals if empowered by international aid and practical
technologies such as fertilizers or insecticide-treated bed nets. While
many of these villages seem capable to gain self-sufficiency in the near
future, rich countries have to provide more aid to allow all of the
poor areas to follow these examples. (Inter Press Service)
Aid that Works? Multi-Donor Budgetary Support in Ghana (March 29, 2006)
Based on a report
by the World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), this
article looks at the efforts of various donor countries to provide more
independent and predictable aid to Ghana. As aid programs conducted
directly by rich countries firms "have had limited success" in reducing
poverty, the Multi-Donor Budgetary Support (MDBS) approach directly
funds development programs chosen by the Ghanaian government. Although
major donors such as Japan still refuse to participate, the initiative
could help untie aid flows from rich countries' commercial interests. (ID21)
Aid Inflows, Debt Relief Yet to Translate into Reduced Poverty (March 20, 2006)
Uganda, as many other sub-Saharan
African countries, has achieved increased economic growth accompanied by
moderate inflation rates. However, this "macroeconomic stability" has
failed to improve the living conditions of the country's poor. At a
meeting organized by the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Ugandan
government officials pointed out that, although the country receives
more aid flows "on paper" they have little impact "on the ground." (New Vision)
Trade Rules a Stumbling Block to Realising the MDGs (March 15, 2006)
In this interview, Director of
Programmes of Third World Network-Africa Tetteh Homeku explains how
predominant trading rules hinder Africa's development. Although foreign
direct investment (FDI) can generate growth, the region requires strong
local industries and better access to foreign markets to foster
development. In addition, Mr. Homeku encourages the UN Agencies and
Programmes that work in the region to support existing developing
campaigns instead of "reinventing the wheel." (Inter Press Service)
World's First Humanitarian Insurance Policy Issued (March 6, 2006)
A small group of donor countries,
including the US, contracted the private insurance company AXA to cover
the risk of droughts in Ethiopia. In this pilot project developed by the
World Food Programme (WFP) and the World Bank, an annual
amount of US$930,000 would lead to immediate payments of US$7 million if
rainfalls drop "significantly below historic averages." However,
neither the WFP nor AXA provide details regarding the deal. Furthermore,
opening humanitarian aid activities to corporate interests is a "risky
Statistical Profiles of the Least Developed Countries (February 21, 2006)
The 50 Least Developed Countries (LDC), primarily located in
sub-Saharan Africa, represent 11% of the world population but only 0.6%
of the world's Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This report provides a wide
range of data for each LDC, on topics such as population, health,
education, official development assistance and external debt. (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
Africa's Hunger - A Systemic Crisis (January 31, 2006)
This BBC article looks at the
main factors causing Africa's continuous struggle for agricultural self
sufficiency. Decades of underinvestment in rural areas, hundreds of
armed conflicts, HIV and high fertility rates turned Africa from a net
food-exporter in the 50s into a continent dependent on foreign aid and
food imports. Furthermore, many rich countries destroy local
agricultural markets with subsidized food exports while abusing aid for
their own corporate interests.
Africa: "2006 Must Be Year of Action" (January 10, 2006)
This article supports top UN adviser
Jeffrey Sachs' urgent call on all governments to fulfill their aid
promises made in the seventies. Sachs points out that there are
promising practical solutions to lift the poorest countries out of this
"seemingly endless cycle of disaster." In addition, Sachs argues that
governments and international institutions need to increase transparency
and accountability to guarantee that the help really reaches the people
in need. (Mail & Guardian)
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