Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sunday, August 23, 2015

SPLM-IO New Zealand Chapter’s congratulatory message on the signing of compromise peace agreement

SPLM-IO New Zealand Chapter’s congratulatory message on the signing of compromise peace agreement

SPLM/A-IO Deputy Chairman Gore (right), SPLM/A-IO Chairman Dr. Machar (center). Photo: SPLM/A-IO
Press release
22nd August 2015
Re: SPLM-IO Chapter in New Zealand sends Congratulatory Message to the Chairman of SPLM-IO and C-in-C of SPLA Dr. Riek Machar Teny-Dhurgon for signing IGAD-Plus Compromise Peace Agreement
Mr. Chairman,
New Zealand, August 22, 2015 (SSNA) -- The SPLM-IO chapter in New Zealand takes this rare opportunity to congratulate you for the courageous, resolute, and successful step you have taken to sign the IGAD-Plus compromise Peace Agreement on 17th August 2015 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. It has been the belief of the SPLM-IO and ordinary citizens inside and outside the country that the conflict - imposed on the people of South Sudan by Salva Kiir Mayardit who instigated it through hate speech that culminated in Juba Genocide on 15-18 December 2013 – must be brought to an end through peaceful mechanism. Unlike President Salva Kiir who wrongfully opted to only witness rather than signing, your signature before mediators, witnesses and stakeholders to the peace process shows not only your seriousness in the pursuit of peace but your commitment to it.
Although the root causes of the conflict have never been addressed thoroughly throughout the negotiating process by IGAD-Plus mediating team, the issues pertaining to such causes have been given some answers directly or indirectly in the Agreement signed. For one, the demilitarization of Juba – our national capital – gives limited space to “Dutku beny”, which devised methods of mass murder and carried out the Genocide, to repeat the previous devilish act. It will be the interest of any concerned citizen living in Juba that the national capital must be free of state-sponsored mass murderers, the same murderers who turned Naath backyards into graveyards. The city will be policed by international intervention force to clock the crooks operating on the Government’s behalf. Another protective clause in the Agreement is the assurance that the SPLA will be separate and will manage its affairs parallel to the government’s army. A separate SPLA army is the sure way to quickly respond if Juba stirs up 15th December 2013.
Mr. Chairman,
Even though the Agreement has not adequately addressed the concerns why the people responded with arms in what was self-defense that later on evolved into the People’s Movement to correct corrupt practices implanted by Salva Kiir for years, it’s enough to say those concerns should be let go for now for the sake of peace. This chapter registers its appreciation for the SPLM-IO peace negotiating team led by Gen Taban Deng Gai. The negotiation was nail-biting, painstaking, and jaw breaking process since the beginning. Some grounds were lost, some were compromised, and a few more gained on the process in respect to what the SPLM-IO stands for, but it’s unfortunate that the other side of the conflict didn’t reciprocate in a manner that South Sudanese people and the world want. Gen Taban Deng Gai’s team, and yourself deserve the praise for the well job done!
Mr. Chairman,
As you sell this peace to the people, specially in the SPLM-IO controlled areas, you will be met by the invisible voices who condemned this peace before it materialized. Among these voices are two top deserted generals and prominent politician who conned communities in the United States of America and departed with large sums of money to form his Movement. This community has the pleasure to advise not to lend them your attentive ears because they are not threat to peace as their HQs are in foreign countries. They live in hotels which they change frequently for fear of public resentment. They are fugitives who don’t represent anybody’s interest apart from their families and close relatives. Responding to them will be distraction from the mission – peaceful settlement of South Sudan conflict.
In summary, you have been on record all along that this senseless war created by Salva Kiir Mayardit due to his hate for Naath as a tribe will be brought to end through peaceful means; that the barrel of the gun is the last resort. Your signature on the Agreement on 17th August 2015 reaffirms your position in this conflict. The members of this community pray that Salva Kiir – who happens to be the biggest actor in this peace – should heed to the reasonable calls both at home and in the Diaspora to realize this peace by jetting back to Addis Ababa and ink his genuine signature on it. It’s impossible for one to run away from his/her shadow, he has no good history to polish should he miss this chance. Your flocks are in the right direction of your shepherdship, congratulations for bringing peace home!!
Mr. Makuey Rambang
For/SPLM-IO Chapter in New Zealand


EXPOSE UGANDA GENECIDE: Fact sheet on Uganda's President Yoweri Museven.....Why is Uhuru dancing the "Sugar" DANCE?

Friday, August 21, 2015

US circulates UNSC draft resolution against South Sudan

US circulates UNSC draft resolution against South Sudan

US’s Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power. Photo: State Department/Getty Images
New York/Washington, DC, August 20, 2015 (SSNA) -- The United States on Wednesday circulated a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) draft resolution against South Sudan, saying the resolution will impose targeted sanctions including arms embargo on the violence-wracked nation if Salva Kiir refuses to sign the IGAD-Plus’s compromise peace agreement by September 1.
The move comes a day after US threatened to pursue UN-backed punitive measures against the young nation.
The resolution will slap travel bans on people who stand in the way of the peace. The proposal also requires member states of the international community to freeze assets and funds of individuals who are also believe to be hurdle to peace.
South Sudanese rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar and Former political detainee Pagan Amum have signed the internationally-backed pact on the 17th of August dateline proposed by the IGAD-Plus.
Kiir refused to sign the agreement minutes after Machar signed the deal, drawing intense criticisms from world leaders.


Let arrogant Kiir know there is always a price for intransigence and that this world has other powerful leaders much more powerful than him.


Machar, Amum sign “compromise peace agreement” as Kiir refuses

Machar, Amum sign “compromise peace agreement” as Kiir refuses

Addis Ababa, August 17, 2015 (SSNA) -- South Sudanese rebel leader Dr. Riek Machar and Former political detainee Pagan Amum have signed IGAD-Plus’s compromise peace agreement exactly on the dateline proposed by the international community.
Meanwhile Salva Kiir refused to sign the deal, saying he needs at least fifteen days to make necessary consultations with his allies.
Kiir surprised Mediators by declaring that he is not going to put his signature on the document just minutes after Machar signed the pact.
It was not immediately clear if IGAD-Plus agreed to his request.
Uganda implicated
An African Union diplomatic source with complete knowledge of the negotiations and who prefers anonymity told the South Sudan News Agency (SSNA) that Uganda President Yoweri Museveni is behind Juba’s refusal to sign the deal.
“Seven days ago, we have received credible information which suggests that Yoweri Museveni instructed Kiir not to sign IGAD-Plus document. So everybody knows Kampala’s position on the compromise agreement was going to be revealed by Kiir,” the source said.
“We are not surprise at all, Kiir’s refusal to sign the agreement simply confirms what we have be have been suspecting,” the source added.
On Sunday, Kiir abruptly issued a decree removing four South Sudanese Governors. Observers say the move was an attempt by Kiir to try to purge anyone he sees as a threat in case if his regime crumples.
The SSNA has learned that Museveni has become very angry after his version of compromise peace agreement was overwhelmingly rejected by the international community
Museveni, who has been pocketing hundred of millions of dollar, perhaps billions from Western nations branded the IGAD-Plus’s compromise peace agreement as “White people proposal,” and vowed never to accept it.


  • I heard Juba regime is calling for change of peace avenue... this is funny. The negotiation is over & they are calling to change venue. There is no way out my friend. You are dealing with smart people. Riek machar has done it.

  • The SPLM IO supporters should celebrate what your movement has achieved so far. I believe the compromised peace deal is better than the previous one because it accommodates all members of the SPLM IO to have presence in all states which will help SPLM IO to get support easily to implement all the reforms. Plus it is now clear it will be only salva kiir will be a victim of any action by the IGAD countries.

  • The international community should stay vigilant what museveni can try to do in the comming two weeks. The NUER & the whole south sudanese should stay vigilant on what the dying juba regime can do in the comming two weeks. I think everything is clear now. Who want peace and who does not is clear now. if salva kiir tries to wage a war, the IGAD country should move in to save lives of south sudanese. BRAVO SPLM IO for showing the world who salva kiir & museveni are.

  • kiir bring hopless m7 to destory our life open your eyes my fellow south sudanese youth




    World Must Directly Address Yuweri Museveni of Uganda for a Peace to Come in South Sudan!

    Dr. Gatluak Ter Thach. Photo: Dr. Thach's Facebook Page
    By Gatluak Ter Thach, PhD*
    Nashville, TN, August 15, 2015 (SSNA) -- South Sudan government and Uganda have quitted IGAD PLUS peace proposal scheduled to be signed on August 17, 2015. The two countries have created their own peace plan contrary to the IGAD PLUS proposal. Earlier this year, Uganda and South Sudan renewed their military collaborations that extended the presence of Ugandan armies in the war-torn South Sudan, which resulted to Juba’s recently renewed hostilities, as well as failed to concern about threats of sanctions proposed by IGAD PLUS partners. Under their renewed deal, thousands of Ugandan troops will remain in South Sudan for many months to assist Mr. Kirr and his cohorts fight Dr. Riek and his resistant forces.
    Historically, since South Sudan attained her self-rule government before independence in 2011, South Sudan has emerged in recent years as the largest importer of Ugandan goods. Over 200,000 Ugandan traders have been operated across the border of South Sudan, generating an estimated about $1 billion in business for Ugandan revenues, according to Ugandan’s business fiscal report 2014-15. After the crisis in South Sudan, the Ugandan traders had reduced in sizes and incomes quite a bit, but their presence still significance. South Sudan relies heavily on its neighbors to provide goods such as construction materials and skilled services to encounter unskilled labor. Approximately 2,500 Ugandans work in Southern Sudan in the construction industry, while about 1,500 Ugandan professional are believed to be employed within non-governmental organizations, ministries and other industries.
    Ugandan military has been provided military hardwires to South Sudanese armies. In addition to their joint coalition war in partnership with their South Sudanese counterparts, Ugandan military defense forces are also responsible for air defense and military logistics of South Sudanese arm forces which is why Juba does not worry about IGAD PLUS sanctions since Kampala is on her back! Ugandan is truly a part of the conflict in South Sudan. According to Dr. Riek, leader of opposition forces, “The Ugandans are partisan [s] in this conflict, their only agenda is to protect Salva Kiir’s government,” Dr. Machar told The Wall Street Journal. “We shall not accept Uganda’s imperialism.”
    It is true tens of thousands of innocent South Sudanese civilians have been killed in this conflict which Museveni is believed to have sponsored in South Sudan. An established of more than 50,000 South Sudanese died since fighting erupted in Juba on December 15, 2013. A total of 2.2 million South Sudanese have been displaced since the beginning of the crisis, according to International NGOs’ report, with 800,000 of these fleeing to neighboring Kenya, Sudan, and Ethiopia.
    In addition, as many as 4.5 million people in South Sudan (nearly one third of the population) face food insecurity. About 7.5 million people are at risk if situations remain unchanged. Though hundreds of thousands have crossed borders to nearing countries in Kenya, Ethiopia, and Sudan, these people are lacking sufficient aids and other lifesaving items. Their children are still dying from preventative diseases. “People are fading daily because of war and shortages of food”, while Museveni continues to counsel Mr. Kirr to avoid IGAD PLUS peace process.
    Museveni of Ugandan remains a real threat to a meaningful peace in South Sudan and the region. He wants to stay on the peace table as a neutral mediator to two warring parties under auspice of IGAD, which has tried to bring lasting peace but miserably failed several times because of the interest of negotiators, includes his interest but did not mean what he is there for. Uganda has now even attempted to marshal further military clout ahead of the talks to put in place a power-sharing government as he wishes.
    Uganda’s new peace proposal is another setback to peace and would linger the suffering of South Sudanese people. Mr. Museveni’s newfangled power sharing contradicts the IGAD PLUS power sharing which was supposed to bring lasting peace for people of South Sudan. His proposal did not only fail to address issues that should have been tackled first for a good peace to come, but it lacks logics in basic mathematical methods, and it is uncertain why the world allows Museveni who does not have sympathies for suffering people of South Sudan to hinder peace to come in South Sudan! Museveni has to be stopped. Here are what he proposed as power sharing at the national Level for South Sudan:
    • 53% GRSS.
    • 33% SPLM /SPLA (IO)
    • 7% FDS
    • 7% PP
    • No power sharing in states
    • No demilitarization of Juba and other areas
    • Security arrangements be decided by the Chief of Staffs of Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda
    • Troops be reintegrated in three months
    To make a matter worse, Salva Kirr who invited Ugandan soldiers to fight alone side his militia armies have yet relied on Museveni for operational advices. World also knows Mr. Kirr and Mr. Museveni had used mass destruction banned weapons on civilian targets, the cluster bombs in several locations in Jonglei and Upper Nile States last year, but no one has yet called them to face charges for using banned weapons on civilian targets. Museveni is wrongly advising Mr. kirr not to sign IGAD PLUS proposal, and he is doing a way with it.
    The source in Juba stated Museveni advised Mr. Kirr not to go to Addis Ababa auctioned him for consequences when Mr. Kirr would refuse to sign the IGAD PLUS peace proposal on Monday, August 17, 2015. It is astonished and dismayed to continue receiving the destructions of human lives and properties in hands of people as Yuweri Museveni while the world power has yet collectively decided what to do with him.
    Museveni and Kirr prefer war instead of peace. They careless about sanctioned since Museveni believes Mr. Kirr can overcome the international sanctions as long as he is still ruling Uganda. The world must urge them to come to their senses and sign the desperately needed peace to the young impoverished nation. It is assuredly and blatantly clear that there is no swift military solution to this conflict. It is everyone’s belief that the solution to this conflict in South Sudan lies in the hands of the international communities, and if this IGAD PLUS deadline falls to similar category as previous ones, then it would be difficult if not impossible for a tangible peace to be achieved in South Sudan.
    I would like to call on international bodies, especially US and the partners, as well as those of good wills, to positioning their weights to end this conflict without hesitations. Had it not because of the international community, especially the US and the partners that helped created South Sudan, there should have not been a sovereignty one proud to call South Sudan. The same should be true as well now. The signs of human sufferings are vividly clear indications that this war has already inflicted human destructions of historical proportions than any genocidal war previously engulfed the region including Rwanda, DRC or Somalia.
    I personally appreciative role United Nation Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) has been playing in protecting innocent civilians who escaped the ethnic massacres in various parts of the country, which began in Juba on December 15, 2013. UN agencies and international organizations are doing their parts to ensure humanitarian support reaches those in needs inside and outside South Sudan. Yet, many more people are dying, and this must have to be stopped. The followings points have to be addressed for a permanent peace to come:
    1. Impose arms embargo immediately on the government of South Sudan in accordance with the Security Council Resolution 2206 for its role in orchestrating the targeted ethnic killings that began in December 15th, 2013 in Juba and its continued recalcitrance vis-à-vis the recommendations of the IGAD PLUS peace process.
    2. Mr. Kiir’s speech few days ago in Juba indicated that he was hardening his position and reneging on some of the areas the SPLM in government and the SPLM in opposition had agreed on. May be it is time for deterring forces if Kirr prefers war.
    3. Bring pressure to bear on the African Union to implement the findings of its Commission of Inquiry on South Sudan.
    4. Revised the role of Uganda in the IGAD-mediated peace process. Museveni is not there to bring peace… His new parallel proposal is counterproductive to the negotiating peace process in Addis Ababa. It is better for Kampala to join Juba on peace table.
    5. TROIKA members must actively engage and participate directly in guiding the peace process. Though I appreciated the role IGAD countries under the leadership of the Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia, His Excellency Ato Hailemariam Dessalegn, play, but I strongly believe engaging TROIKAs in cochairing the peace will append impetus it needs to end the war.
    I can conclude by reiterating what Secretary John Kerry said lasttime about Sudanese leaders that, “Legitimacy is not a presumed right of any government. It is conferred by the people, and it is sustained only by demonstrating leadership to protect and serve all citizens – responsibilities the government has neglected.” The leadership in Juba has lost its legitimacy to lead people of South Sudan, meaning peace will not come unless international forces and people of goodwill acknowledge enough is enough for Museveni and his war partner in order for people of South Sudan to achieve a sustainable peace in South Sudan instead of pursuing a military solution to the conflict.
    Dr. Gatluak Ter Thach lives and works in Nashville, TN, USA. He can be reached at: gatluakt@yahoo.com



African Countries at UN Security Council Back UN Sanctions on South Sudan as Vote Begins on Draft Resolution

African Countries at UN Security Council Back UN Sanctions on South Sudan as Vote Begins on Draft Resolution

UN Security Council seating, New York.
UN Security Council seating, New York.
August 20, 2015 (Nyamilepedia) – African countries with seats at the UN Security Council have reportedly backed international calls to place UN sanctions on South Sudan if a peace agreement is not reached soon as voting on a sanctions draft resolution is reportedly about to begin at the UN Headquarters.
The United States have already placed a draft at the Security Council and members are due to vote on the draft which would authorize widespread sanctions on South Sudanese parties who fail to comply with the IGAD mediated South Sudan Peace Agreement signed in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on Monday this week.
According to sources at the Security Council, a draft resolutions on arms embargo has been submitted by the US after closed doors meeting with senior UN officials at the UN Headquarters in New York.
The proposed sanctions would include a worldwide Travel ban and Asset freeze on senior officials including leaders of any parties that rejects the peace and resorts to war. It would also include a global Arms embargo over South Sudan.
African Countries are said to have grown frustrations by the lack of will by the South Sudanese leaders to accept peace agreement and also due to lack of commitment to respect several ceasefire agreements.
These African nations are believed to have thrown their weight behind the UN resolution.
The African countries are said to be backing any further actions to place sanctions on those seen to be obstacles to peace and inciting war in South Sudan.
“We had the Deputy Secretary General set out the situation, how much progress had been made, … the government has not signed the agreement. The Americans have circulated a resolution. Experts are meeting to look at that resolution now,” UK Deputy Permanent Representative Peter Wilson told reporters at the UN Headquarters.
According to the draft resolution submitted by the US and distributed on Wednesday, the sanctions will become effective automatically as of September 1, if South Sudanese President Salva Kiir refuses to sign a peace agreement with the rebels and a ceasefire regime fails to come into force.
However South Sudan’s Foreign Minister Benjamin Marial said any sanctions will not achieve peace but only create more problems.
“We need to remove obstacles obstructing peace not create new ones,” Benjamin Marial said


Hey Benjamin Marial, just sign that peace if you are not creating another problem. You start to kill journalist and expect world to keep silence?
Sanctions is the way forward since government is mobilising their agents and civilians to say no for peace in Addis



Salva Kiir government Organizes Protests Against IGAD-Plus Peace Agreement

demo Juba03d2e22b25201480f6a70670060d6
Earlier protests show government supporters ralling for peace, however, the government now believes that the citizens are not ready for peace(Photo: file)
AGUSUST 20, 2015(Nyamilepedia)  — In an apparent move taken by the south Sudan president in protest against what he calls forced and imposed Peace agreement rammed on the people of south Sudan by IGAD and western nations, in particular the US, UK, Norway and EU, President Kiir orders and dispatches all the representatives of the national legislative assembly, and states members of Parliaments to go back to their constituencies to mobilized their people to denounce the signed peace agreement by Riek Machar and Pagan Amum.
President Kiir wants the demonstration to be covered extensively by SSTV and other media outlets in the country controlled by the government and others including BBC and Aljazeera, to show the world that the South Sudanese people stands with him in rejection of the IGAD Plus compromised peace draft Proposal, and denounce Western Imperialistic goals in attempting to wheel powers and take the country over in order to steal the resources of his country and for wanting to demilitarized the capital city Juba by doing so, giving its sovereignty and security in the hands of foreign nations.
According to one of the MPs from central Equatoria state who spoke in condition of anonymity said “Mr. Kiir has given a strong order that all citizens residing in every part in the country must take part and walk on the streets to demonstrate against IGAD Plus peace deal, and should anyone refused his/her house should be looted or should be beaten and compelled to participate.
At border towns like Nimule, He, Kiir, ordered the security to close down the border entrances with the neighboring countries to prevent people from getting away from demonstrating”
Report on Radio Eye indicates that the High Coordination Committee of the party leagues has scheduled the protests for tomorrow (Friday).
“Some of the provisions they have rejected include power sharing, demilitarization of Juba, and consultations at the presidency. The committee says members of the leagues include teachers, lawyers, farmers, women, and students were urged to show support to the elected head by demonstrating.” Thus this action symbolizes that south Sudan is heading to “anarchy” absence of elected governors and absolute freedom of the individual been denied therefore they must participate in demonstration to show their support to the absolute authoritarian regime even when they are not in support of what the government wants them to demonstrate against.
“We denounce presence of UNMISS in our Republic; and therefore, we demand their forces to evacuate our Republic. We rejected neo-colonialism in our country.” added Simon Machuar.
Essential this kind of utterance in support of Kiir indicates he and his hardliners believe military option is the best and achievable. And this also illustrates that Kiir has no concern about the dying of our people clearly Peace seems elusive with the man who pledge never to take our country to war, or that was only with the North?
Mr. Machuar says they want the venue of the peace talks to be moved from Ethiopia to South Africa, saying the new venue will be neutral. He added that the leagues want what he calls the Entebbe proposal, referring to a reported draft of a peace proposal some regional leaders made in Uganda this month.
It remains unclear what would happen tomorrow to the people who defies the order to demonstrate against America, The world body United Nations, the EU, the UK and Norway whose people and government stood with this nations even before it became one but more so for now more than three decades.
Kiir whose mandate to govern ended in July 2015, has become a full blown detector while we watch, and he is trying to instigate violence against the world body, the UN and government of America and its people who had spared no efforts to see the creation of south Sudan.
The Citizens are tomorrow on the streets, mandated by our now Tyrant, reminiscences of Saddam Hussein. A police state in which the only demonstration you see is against the infamous great Satan but never against the Satan himself, the Tyrant.


Good Luck! Iraq demonstrated during Sadam Hussen but was all in vain… South Sudan is going to face the full force of international community,let’s wait and see. All the regional leaders are feed up with Kiir’s incompetent government,it’s time to forced Kiir to resign after all his term in Office expired long ago…
And for those our ignorant boot lickers politicians, please, it’s time to released that this government your representing is on a life support,it’s reaching its final hours,so get out or stand your ground.

Clinton Aide Inadvertently Admits Hillary's Not Fit For Presidency


Clinton Aide Inadvertently Admits Hillary's Not Fit For Presidency


As of Thursday morning, Jennifer Palmieri was employed as communications director for the Hillary Clinton campaign. Whether she still has that job on Friday morning after indicting her boss' qualifications to be president remains to be seen.
On Wednesday, Palmieri appeared on Bloomberg Television's "With All Due Respect," where she told co-host John Heilemann that Clinton "didn't really think it through " when she decided to use her personal email account for State Department business.
Yes, just what America needs — a president and commander in chief who has a history of not really thinking through important decisions that can have an impact on national security.
Of all the things we've heard and learned this week about the Clinton email scandal, Palmieri's statement is the most revealing. When a trusted aide admits her boss, who craves the presidency and all its power, has used poor judgment in a critical situation, the public should take note. This isn't a Republican saying this, or a Democratic challenger. It's from someone who, presumably, is in close association with Clinton every day and has been for some time. It's from someone who's observed the former secretary of state operate in public and private and has inside information that few have.
Palmieri, a veteran of both the Clinton and Obama White Houses, of course did not mean for her statement to be an indictment of Clinton. She was merely doing what communications directors do when their bosses get in trouble — try to make it seem as if the trouble isn't really so bad.
Often spokesmen will invent "facts" and dream up the overwhelming circumstances that led a politician into a tight spot. But whether she intended to condemn her boss or not, Palmieri is nevertheless right: Clearly Clinton "didn't really think it through."
Clinton has enough trouble without her allies giving her more. Each day brings a new set of problems related to her personal email account and private server. Just in the last day we've learned that the investigation into her personal email account is likely to widen and will probably grow beyond merely emails and into what type of device she used for State Department business. It appears that she used personal devices rather than State Department-issued devices that are more secure.
Didn't think it through. Poor judgment. What difference does it make?
Quite a lot, if the person who isn't thinking clearly and can't make good decisions is president of the United States. We don't believe the country needs someone who doesn't really think it through when she gets that 3 a.m. phone call.

If Hillary never used email for classified messages and documents, how did she send and receive them? By mail? CNN just showed Hillary talking about her and her aides using Blackberrys that they now claim didn't exist.
She can't tell the truth without incriminating herself. She can't defend herself, her statements or behavior without lying.
so not a fan of socialist agenda driven politicians, but Sen. Sanders would be more honest in one day than Hillary in a decade. I'm hearing now a Biden-Warren ticket is the desirable duo of the Democrat insiders. Hillary is toast, but just cannot let go of her dream job quite yet.
My synopsis of the Clinton machine: Hillary went off the reservation in an effort to shield her 'blending' of personal and business relationships from scrutiny. The Clinton Foundation, it's donors and beneficiaries, are now at risk.

Thursday, June 18, 2015

South Sudan: IGAD Unveils New Power Sharing Proposal

News / Africa

South Sudan: IGAD Unveils New Power Sharing Proposal

East African bloc IGAD has released a new proposal for how it thinks power should be shared in South Sudan once peace is restored.
The document released last week proposes giving President Salva Kiir's government "a majority in the legislature, the positions of President and Vice President and 53 percent of ministerial portfolios."
Former vice president Riek Machar's armed opposition group would have the second largest number of seats in the National Assembly, along with "the new position of First Vice President and 33 percent of ministerial portfolios," the document says.
A group of former political detainees and other political parties will share 14 percent of ministerial portfolios between them and hold an unspecified number of seats in parliament.

Conflict-affected states

In the three states that have been hardest hit by the 18-month conflict - in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile - IGAD proposes giving Machar's opposition movement 53 percent of ministerial portfolios. The ruling Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM) would hold 33 percent of cabinet positions in those states, and the remaining 14 percent of ministerial posts would be shared equally between the former detainees and other political parties. IGAD says this will "ensure the reform of governance in these areas."
The IGAD proposal also provides for a transitional government of national unity to become operational three months after the signing of an agreement to end the conflict. The transitional government would remain in power for 30 months.
IGAD proposes holding elections in South Sudan 60 days before the end of the transitional government's term.
The document was presented to government and rebel negotiators last week in Addis Ababa.
The lead negotiator for Machar's rebels, Taban Deng Gai, faulted the IGAD proposal for maintaining the status quo in South Sudan, by keeping President Kiir at the helm of the national government and giving the ruling SPLM a majority in parliament.
Gai also complained that the IGAD proposal focusses solely on the fighting in Jonglei, Unity and Upper Nile states, and ignores unrest in other parts of the country. But he said that, because the document is not final and binding, the rebels are willing to work with it.
The government's lead negotiator, Nhial Deng Nhial, did not comment last week on the IGAD proposal.


by: lisa from: Dallas
June 15, 2015 11:37 PM
If that's what it takes to bring peace, then let it be. Am glad that the rebels have some sense to accept the document, this guy's have realized that that the only way to peace is to stop the killing of civilians by all means and they did it although the government is attacking the rebels control areas without a success you know why it because the war is brought to their homes, it have never happened in any history of war when the rebels capture the enemy's and release them this is what Dr Riek Machar have been doing because he's tired of senseless killings but guess what once you're arrested in the government areas your family will never find you, you're dead, if the government refuses the document then it's clear indication that they don't care about it people.

by: David Miak from: Canada
June 16, 2015 4:04 PM
ThIs proposal by IGAD is still not going to work. Kiir is an illigitimate president due to genocides that he has committed. IGAD should be aware that this war is not about SPLA/M party. IGAD needs to treat South Sudan situation as national concern. Besides, IGAD should not gives majority government to Kiir administrations that have committed crimes against humanity. IGAD should review their proposal, and also they need to involve other civil societies. In addition, IGAD did not mention any proposal about foreigner troops. Especially Uganda troops that are pretending that they are peace keeping, while Moseveni is the one who cited this war against SouthSudanese by convincing Kiir to assassinate Dr Machar. In order for South Sudan nation to have stable, international community's have to be serious enough for the implementation of peace. Otherwise it will lead to a regional war within East African country base of their interest.


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal provides new emails to Congress

Clinton ally Sidney Blumenthal provides new emails to Congress

Former secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 she used a private domain for her official work during her time at the State Department out of "convenience," but admitted in retrospect "it would have been better" to use multiple emails.
Former secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday, March 10, 2015 she used a private domain for her official work during her time at the State Department out of "convenience," but admitted in retrospect "it would have been better" to use multiple emails.
WASHINGTON — A close ally of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton turned over about 60 new emails to the House Select Committee on Benghazi ahead of his closed-door deposition there Tuesday.
The committee, which is investigating the attacks on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, is scheduled to depose Clinton confidante Sidney Blumenthal and will likely ask about emails he sent to Clinton about Libya. His memos, often about the conditions on the ground, have drawn scrutiny because he sent them while advising businesses interests there.
“The committee is interested in what role he played at the State Department and how his role was financed. Who was paying him and who was he paying? Basically, his business arrangements,” said a source familiar with the committee’s thinking.
Blumenthal produced the latest emails, about a 120 pages worth, in response to the committee’s request.
“These emails were not previously produced to the committee or released to the public, and they will help inform tomorrow’s deposition,” Chairman Trey Gowdy said late Monday night.
Gowdy said the committee is prepared to release the new emails in short order.
Earlier this year, the State Department turned over about 300 Benghazi-related emails to the committee. Asked why the new Blumenthal emails were not produced, Alec Gerlach, a State Department spokesman, said the department would need to see the emails before responding. The committee, he said, has not yet contacted the State Department about the emails.
“The department is working diligently to publish to its public website all of the emails received from former Secretary Clinton through the FOIA process. We provided the committee with a subset of documents that matched its request and will continue to work with them going forward,” he said. “Secretary Kerry has been clear that the State Department will be both transparent and thorough in its obligations to the public on this matter.”
By Chris Frates